Thursday, February 12, 2009

Hold Everything - my surgeon has the flu

According to the schedule I should be in the operating room now with surgeons up to their elbows in my chest. But I'm at Mom & Dad's posting a blog entry.

Doctors are like everyone else, when something is going around they get it too. My surgeon is at home in bed with the flu. We have tentatively rescheduled for next Tuesday, but that depends on how quickly he recovers.

It is a little difficult to get mentally ready for the surgery only to have it postponed. So I will just have to find something to keep me busy for the next few days. The weather here in Florida is beautiful so I'll find something to do.


Anonymous said...

Ken --- what a bummer. The only good news is that I think everyone is running out of excuses or reasons to not do the surgery.

I just hope you don't take a walk by a golf course turn-around and see your doctor on the 15th fairway :) - Mark

Russell Gardner said...

Certain you have found something great to do on a sunny day in Florida other than reading blog post comments, but in case you are...

Know that we're all thinking about you and hoping your surgergy goes very well and very soon, so that you can bring your unique brand of humor back to 5th floor where it is sorely (pardon the pun) needed.

Seeing the name Lewis Grizzard on your blog reminded me of my favorite quote ever: Life is like a dog sled race. If you're not the lead dog, the scenery never changes.

Anonymous said...

That's too bad! Hurry up and wait again. Enjoy the weather -- I'll be looking for more news...Becca