Thursday, February 12, 2009

Except for the valve, my heart is in good shape

Doctors have now checked the blood vessels of heart and found no vascular problems. This is very good news. Surgery is less risky since they don't have to worry about any existing damage and once the new valve is in place I won't have any excuse for being lazy.

Cardiac Catheterization involves injecting some dye directly into the heart and watching it on an x-ray monitor. To get a catheter into the blood vessels doctors inserted a catheter into my groin. They claim this is the best place on the body where a large artery passes close to the skin, but it has the additional advantage of maximum embarrassment for the patient.

Since they are working around the groin, of course one's undershorts must be removed. Once the entire staff of nurses congregate in the room, one of them breaks out the clippers and starts shaving. No doubt she's the one with the least seniority. Having cleared the area where the catheter will be inserted on the right side, the nurse then shaves the left side. I inquired as to why it was necessary to shave me on the left if the catheter goes in on right. They claim this is necessary in case there is a problem getting the catheter inserted on the right side. I guess that's much more information than I should have shared, so I just have one more word on the subject - Mohawk.

Oh well, small price to pay for knowing that my heart arteries are all in good shape.

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