Tuesday, March 3, 2009

The Two Week Mark

I am pleased (more than you know) to to report that there have been no further complications since my 24-second "vacation." I intended to write lots of blog entries but since coming home I have mostly been sleeping. I never slept this much in my life. Doctors tell me that is a very good sign. I've cut the use of pain medications down to about one quarter of what I was taking when I first came home. To protect my delicate sternum I am under a five pound limit for lifting anything. Driving will be out for at least 2-3 more weeks.

Dad took a photo of me with my shirt off, showing my scar. I'm not sure if I feel worse or look worse. I thought about posting it, but it is a frightening site, so I decided to wait on that. I know that a few months from now it will be a source of pride that I worked my way back from such a low point.

I've been able to walk pretty well since coming home. I usually have two walks a day around the neighborhood. Mom usually goes with me, but Dad does sometimes. On Friday Dad gave me a special treat. We drove to the beach and walked. It felt so good, but I was beat afterward. Sunday I found out just how far I have to go on my recovery. I got on the stationary bike for about 4 minutes and I was spent. The next fifteen minutes - I coughed. My lungs clearly need lots of work. Saturday also brought back an old nemesis, lower back pain. All those days of laying in bed and sitting in the chair agravated an old nerve that I have worked hard to put at bay over the years. Unfortunately, I can't do my normal yoga and swimming routines that keep my back in shape. Dad has been helping me stretch as much as possible and it is helping.

Monday was a better day. I was able to stretch out my back and reduce the pain, I also had a much better time on the bike. Today I had two good sessions on the bike. I have strict instructions not to let my heart rate exceed 130 beats per minute. I've been able to go about 20 minutes on the bike at a slow pace and keep the heart rate around 120 beats. They tell me this is good progress. Even though it is hard, I need to be on that bike at least twice a day. Maybe it will be a little easier when Florida weather returns later this week. It has been unusually cold.

I'm slowly getting used to my "bionic" heart valve. When it is quiet I hear it beating, like having a ticking clock in the room. They tell me that over time my brain will filter it out. Sometimes it gets on my nerves, but it also reminds me - "Hey Ken - you are alive!"


Jeff said...

Ken: I'm glad to hear of all the positive progress! Two thumbs up! Jeff

Russell Gardner said...

Hey Ken,

Good to hear you're on a steady course of improvement that will eventually lead you back here to T-5, where it's been mighty quiet without you. Also very cold around these parts--enough snow Monday to close the schools, but then it doesn't take much to close the schools. Supposed to be nice and warm this weekend...hope it's warm in Florida so you can take some more strolls along the beach. Take care of yourself and know that you're in our thoughts back here at the ranch.


Joe Edenfield said...

If my memory serves me the crocodile in Peter Pan swallowed a clock. Allowing Capt. Hook to know his nemesis was around. I just thought you'd like to know their are other things that go tick tock. You are Gator aren't you.