Friday, March 6, 2009

Lewis Grizzard and I have company

Seems like I'm always being upstaged. Or maybe I'm a trendsetter.

Robin Williams is due to have Aortic Valve Replacement Surgery. It sounds like he has the more common problem of the valve wearing down over time, as opposed to the bacterial assault that infected Lewis Grizzard and me. If a sense of humor will help get you through it then who could be expected to have a better outcome than Robin Williams. On second thought, it didn't do Lewis much good. So who knows.

Former first lady Barbara Bush also had her aortic valve replaced this week. She is 83. She has my respect if she can handle it at that age.

If more people start having heart surgery, maybe that vertical scar down the center of the chest will become fashionable. One day people may ask me if it is real of if I just had a tattoo to make it look like I had a cool surgery. Of course, I can also show off the horizontal scar where the pacemaker went in.

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