Sunday, November 23, 2008

Why I'm at Mayo - The Midnight Phone Call

I have not been well for several weeks, feeling tired and cold and also losing weight. My doctor has been searching for a cause, but had not found the source of my illness.

At the suggestion of a friend (thanks Clark!) I applied for an appointment to the Mayo Clinic.
I was surprised to be granted an appointment almost immediately. I arrived at 8am Friday to complete the paperwork, met with a doctor promptly at 9am. By 10am I had a schedule of appointments for various tests around the clinic that would consume the next 3 days. Since this was a Friday, the tests were going to take me through Tuesday, culminating with the dreaded Colonoscopy. I was amazed at the efficiency of the place. Each time I arrived at a new station, the records were there and with only a few minutes waiting, I was called in.

By Friday afternoon I was getting tired, but hopeful that all these tests would reveal something. Back at Mom and Dad's, I enjoyed a nice dinner and some quiet time (there is still nothing quite as comforting as Mom's cooking.)

Shortly before midnight a doctor from the clinic called. They had found a reclusive, but nasty strain of bacteria in my blood at it looks very serious. He advised me to come to the Clinic's Emergency Room as quickly as possible. Although unnerving, at least we were on to something. My Dad drove me to the Emergency Room and I was admitted.

The last time I was admitted to a hospital it was 1971. I was in the 7th grade. I got hurt playing football and the doctor thought I might have some internal injuries. Fortunately, I was better the next day and sent home with instructions not to play for a week. I don't think things will be so simple this time.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Ken:

Best wishes on your battle--my thoughts and prayers are with you.

Carl Washburn